The Tower Mistress is The Overmind's personal advisor. Though he is not necessarily evil, the creator of Overwhored has described The Overmind as similar to a child, really only desiring power and sex. His main objective is to take over the world and expand his harem of women. The Overmind is the main protagonist in Overwhored and much like Jason, exhibits villainous traits. Over the course of the game, The Overmind must defeat and enslave the heroines and rebuild his harem. The Overmind is told that in order to gain back his slaves and his empire, he must obtain the Orb of Dominion as well as other relics. He his revived by the Tower Mistress using orgasmic energy. The game begins with The Overmind waking up from his peaceful slumber.

Since then, he has lied in an eternal slumber, waiting to be awakened. Three years before the events of Overwhored, The Overmind was destined to take over the world, however was defeated and his castle destroyed by heroes.